Grata vs Sourcescrub

We are way more than a Sourcescrub competitor! Read on to discover how much more Grata can do for you.

Trusted by over 500 firms and
3,000 dealmakers

…and 9 of the top 10 management consulting firms

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Grata gives you full access to the middle market.

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Grata Powers More Workflows

Grata, is not a conference database. Grata is your end-to-end AI platform for proactive business development across all of your channels.

Search Companies

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Industry Research

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Find Service Providers

Discover conferences

Deep search your existing relationships

Manage Your Pipeline of Deals

Search Companies

Discover Similar Companies

Industry Research

Find Investors

Find Intermediaries

Find Service Providers

Discover conferences

Deep search your existing relationships

Manage Your Pipeline of Deals

Why the market is choosing Grata over Sourcescrub?

Data from last 50 customers who chose Grata


"Grata captures more of the market than any competitor."


"The search functionality is top class, second to none."

Contact Data

“The contact information is surprisingly accurate.”

Better User Experience

"Makes my life so much easier. Best user interface."

Stronger Search Algorithm

"Grata is 10x’ing my sourcing ability"

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Let's Start With The Origin

Grata and Sourcescrub share a common origin. Both company's founders come from M&A backgrounds and both saw a need for private company insights– a huge problem for dealmakers.

But the solutions developed at Grata and Sourcescrub are dramatically different. Sourcescrub is a manually maintained database used to find company information; Grata is a software company that is transforming deal sourcing.

How is the data acquired?

Grata’s proprietary artificial intelligence gathers information straight from the source — a company’s own website.

Our AI understands the nuances of a business and what makes it unique, going much deeper than a company’s description and keywords. Grata quickly acquires and clearly displays the information dealmakers need to make informed decisions like employee estimates, company growth, and funding data.

Sourcescrub manually collects data. Their company data cannot be refreshed at the same rate as Grata’s.

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Grata is a software company built on ML/AI technology, identifying companies based on their website and other data sources.

It validates data through a fully automated machine learning system, with built-in anomaly detection. Our proprietary artificial intelligence gathers information directly from companies in their own words but also translates what those words mean to an investor.

For example, Grata translates language on a company’s webpage to the correct label “Services Company” or “Software.” We not only collect website information, our tech knows how to speak a dealmaker’s language.

Grata’s independent auditors confirm that Grata’s data is over 99% accurate. Company profiles are not only refreshed, but expanded at a speed that a team of humans can not replicate.

Manual research

Sourcescrub is a data services company that leverages an outsourced team to manually aggregate and review companies identified through various lists (conferences, events, industry, etc)

Sourcescrub boasts a “data set that is validated and interpreted by a 650-person data operations team.” The database is manually updated and refreshed – it’s an impressive hive of people, but limited in how quickly they can update information.

Sourcescrub claims to have 10 million company profiles. If Sourcescrub hand checks all of their data, it would require 5,000-15,000 data analysts to maintain 10M companies (5-15 min per profile audit).

According to Linkedin, Sourcescrub only has 1,000 data analysts.

Streamlined Sourcing

Improve team efficiency and save hours every week. Our powerful UI allows you to do in minutes, what once took hours.

  • Similar company search helps you find opportunities that look like your best deals
  • Automatically sync companies and contacts to your CRM
  • Google Chrome Extension extends the power of Grata to any website
Grata Users

Who Uses Grata And Sourcescrub?

Grata and Sourcescrub users span the M&A world: Corporate Development, Corporate Venture Capital, Private Equity, Search Funds, and Investment Bankers.

Any M&A team looking to do better proprietary deal sourcing and thematic deal sourcing, needs the right technology to compete.

As a result of Grata’s technology-first approach, Grata tracks millions of companies. Grata provides deeper search capabilities and enables dealmakers to find the private companies that fit their investment thesis that could not easily be found in a private company database.

Technology-Driven Means More Searchable Results

Grata is not a database, it is an ever-expanding universe of companies.


Company refresh every second

excellence icon

Company refresh every second

transparency icon

Data points added per day

grata icon - deal sourcing software
12 million

Searchable companies

grata icon - deal sourcing software
step one

Searching Company Profiles

Both Grata and Sourcescrub allow you to search through company profiles, but with a few key differences.

Sourcescrub’s keyword search matches against a short 2-3 sentence human-written company description, greatly limiting investors with the results that come up. This kind of search restricts thematic-based sourcing.

The reason behind proprietary sourcing is to find and approach a company first. Sourcescrub lists show the same companies in the same order for every investor. Your competitors are seeing all of the same companies that you are in Sourcescrub. To be first in line, you need the competitive edge that Grata’s search provides.

Grata has more companies to search through and a powerful keyword matching search that helps you find the right companies. Type in any keyword and Grata will match against the company's entire website, enabling users to surface companies beyond high level industry classifications.

step one

Similar Company Search

The biggest difference between Sourcescrub and Grata’s search results is a tool called “Similar Search.”

Grata uses a deep understanding of a company’s website to identify the essence of a company factoring in hundreds of qualitative factors bucketed into groups like products, features, and target verticals, as well as quantitative factors like size and funding.

Click one button and automatically populate a new list of companies. “Similar Search” ensures you won't miss a single company.

Proprietary Data You Can Trust

Search Engine Technology: Built by 30 engineers, supported by 40 QA analysts, reviewing data at the rate of 3,000 analysts

Comprehensive Coverage: Never miss a deal

Diligence Grade: Used by 9 of the 10 top consulting firms in commercial due diligence

Deeper Data: Up to 25 data points per company, deepest data on >12M hard-to-find companies

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Frequently asked questions

Sourcescrub tells me they hand check every data point. How does Grata ensure quality?
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Because Sourcescrub relies on manual methods, their data decays over time. It is challenging to maintain quality and consistency, while Grata’s machine learning models improve every day. In 2023, Sourcescrub’s G2 rating dropped to a 4.3. In 2023, Grata maintained its G2 4.8 rating. Grata’s independent auditors confirm that Grata’s data is over 99% accurate.

Sourcescrub says they have better contact data. Is this true?
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Grata has more companies with contacts than Sourcescrub has total companies. Because Grata has 7M more hard-to-find companies without contacts, Grata’s data appears more sparse (30% fill rate). Grata’s on-demand contact enrichment feature averages 85% fill rates and ensures most of the companies on your list are reachable.

Sourcescrub’s marketing claims to have recently added over 10M companies. How is that possible?
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If Sourcescrub hand checks all of their data, it would require 5,000-15,000 data analysts to maintain 12M companies (5-15 min per profile audit). According to Linkedin, Sourcescrub only has 1,000 data analysts

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